Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cultural Relativism and Ethical Subjectivism Free Essay Example, 1250 words

This paper illustrates that the differences between cultural relativism and ethical subjectivism are important to understanding. Ethical subjectivism calls for subjectivity in solutions of the ethical dilemma. This subjectivism can be both of a relative or an absolutist form but on the other hand, cultural relativism as the name suggests can only be relative. An ethical subjectivist is free to follow any solution of the ethical dilemma he or she thinks is right and this can be an absolute ethical solution or can be of a relative nature. Ethical subjectivism views moral decisions from an individual perspective and cultural relativism accounts for the cultural influences of a person. The idea of truth is different for different cultures outlines cultural relativism but not an individual, rather a group of individual. On the other hand ethical subjectivity is a belief or idea of a person about what is right and what is not. The idea that religion or God has the authority to decide what is moral and what is not is religious moral absolutism. The belief, that an action is justified or right because it comes from God had widespread influence in human history. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Relativism and Ethical Subjectivism or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The ideas of this clergy and not of God are propagated under the name of religion. Religion can also not be allowed to dictate the private and public life of the residents of a society because religion is not objective in nature. Religion is a belief and its basis is on stories and events that are not verifiable by history. This belief is also not based on any evident fact so such a belief cannot be imposed on the people.

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